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Mailing list for the LaTeX3 project <[log in to unmask]>
Ulrik Vieth <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 8 Jul 1997 13:30:23 +0200
Mailing list for the LaTeX3 project <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (60 lines)
Phil Taylor wrote:

> Well, as usual I seem to be occupying a parallel universe!  My copy
> of the TDS, taken from Sebastian's TeX-Live-2 CD, is dated April 15, 1997
> and bears version number "draft version 0.104".  So where are these
> 0.999... versions?!  ** Phil.

Well, 0.104 must have been the last version before 0.999. As to the
question where to find them the answer should obviously be "on CTAN",
more specifically in tds/draft-standard and tds/drafts.archive.

Cheers, Ulrik.

1997/02/07 |      98266 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993.tar.gz
1997/02/07 |       5984 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993/ChangeLog
1997/02/07 |        706 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993/Makefile
1996/06/06 |       1348 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993/Ulogo.fd
1996/06/06 |      12854 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993/fancyhdr.sty
1996/06/06 |       1025 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993/mflogo.sty
1997/02/07 |       4255 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993/tds.aux
1997/02/07 |      80648 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993/tds.dvi
1997/02/07 |      60899 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993/
1997/02/07 |       3322 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993/tds.log
1997/02/04 |        337 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993/tds.sed
1997/02/07 |      58900 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993/tds.tex
1997/02/07 |       2844 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993/tds.toc
1997/02/07 |      21737 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993/tds2texi.el
1997/02/07 |      24438 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993/tdsguide.cls
1996/12/11 |      14098 | tds/draft-standard/tds-0.9993/url.sty

1995/02/26 |      25455 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.3-940721.tar.gz
1995/02/26 |     515674 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.49-941010.tar.gz
1995/02/26 |      95279 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.50-941118.tar.gz
1995/02/26 |      95331 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.60-950201.tar.gz
1995/02/26 |      97500 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.61-950202.tar.gz
1995/02/26 |      97355 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.61-950210.tar.gz
1995/03/03 |      99313 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.62-950302.tar.gz
1995/03/09 |     115299 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.64-950308.tar.gz
1995/03/11 |     118319 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.66-950310.tar.gz
1995/03/16 |     133856 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.67-950315.tar.gz
1995/03/17 |     133529 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.68-950316.tar.gz
1995/03/22 |     185239 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.69-950321.tar.gz
1995/03/30 |     177384 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.70-950328.tar.gz
1995/04/14 |     143590 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.71-950413.tar.gz
1995/05/08 |     145025 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.72-950505.tar.gz
1995/05/13 |     104487 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.74-950512.tar.gz
1995/05/17 |     135400 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.75-950516.tar.gz
1995/05/18 |     134388 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.76-950518.tar.gz
1995/05/19 |     140689 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.77-950518.tar.gz
1995/05/26 |     101839 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.78-950525.tar.gz
1995/06/08 |     196630 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.98-950601.tar.gz
1995/11/15 |      63140 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.99-951004.tar.gz
1995/11/15 |      70894 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.100-951014.tar.gz
1995/11/15 |      65664 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.101-951020.tar.gz
1995/11/15 |      67408 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.102-951027.tar.gz
1995/11/15 |      64108 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.103-951111.tar.gz
1995/11/17 |     143771 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.104-951115.tar.gz
1995/11/23 |      65991 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.999-951122.tar.gz
1995/12/01 |      65788 | tds/drafts.archive/tds-0.999-951130.tar.gz