Thu, 12 Nov 2009 12:01:52 +1000
From a very infrequent contributor to this list.
I don't know whether I'd classify myself as a dinosaur just yet (pace Lars),
but would it be possible somewhere in the documentation to have a list
of all the *.cfg files, with a note about their function?
I have no very strong feelings about defaults being set, and have adapted
my home machines (one Windows XP, one Linux) LaTeX installations
to suit my preferences, using some of the LaTeX2e *.cfg files.
With the slow progress towards LaTeX3, I suspect that, like the dinosaurs,
I might be extinct before the new version arrives, but I'll be leaving
records for the new generation to take over.
Ken Smith
From: Mailing list for the LaTeX3 project on behalf of Frank Mittelbach
Sent: Sat 7/11/2009 10:00 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Please don't \RequirePackage{lmodern}
Philipp Stephani writes:
> Am 07.11.2009 um 09:34 schrieb Joseph Wright:
> > - Document how to switch from lmodern
> which could be done with a trivial "cmodern" package in LaTeX 2e:
sure, it is not difficult to provide, in fact you doen't even need that you
could offer a switch that a user could set in the cfg if he or she prefers CM
fonts to lmodern (as there is no point in loading lmodern fonts at all if they
aren't being used).
I think Jospeh's remark was simply meant as "it needs documenting in a readme
how to adjust the documentation to your needs" and that might well be a single
paragraph explining how to do it - nevertheless it is one task to do if we
provide for it