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Sebastian Rahtz <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 16:33:35 GMT
text/plain (57 lines)
Phillip Helbig writes:
 > Let me just add my 2" from someone who has had good experience with
so, in VMS world you pay for things in inches. figures.

 > developed by the `select few'.  I have the impression that a lot of
 > LaTeX developers prefer VMS (including Lamport?) so I might be preaching
gracious? are there are LaTeX developers using VMS? those strange
e-TeX people do, I assume, but beyond them?

 > I think a bazaar approach to LaTeX would make updating even more
 > difficult than it is now.  (Standard LaTeX is OK, but stuff in contrib
 > has to be done pretty much by hand.)  And I think the documentation and
 > user-level syntax could be more uniform than it is now.

sorry, but i think thats an argument for Bazaar. as it stands now, "contrib"
is beyond the pale, roll your own, unknown, orphan. it needs bringing
into the fold.

 > Although I enjoy system maintenance, I would prefer to do `real work'
 > and not have to daily monitor the net for the latest updates.
why should you? surely this whole exercise is not for the casual user;
most Linux users dont recompile their kernel daily, after all, but get
a new CD once a year. the stage i want to reach is that those CDs
would be built on the same premises

 > The fact that linux is `as good as commercial unix' from my point of
 > view doesn't necessarily mean that linux is very good; it could also
i am not sure the objective quality of Linux is at issue. would anyone deny
that its an extraordinary creation, by an unusual process? if its good
enough for Bill Gates' minions to attack, its good enough for
me.... (strange, where are the Microsoft memos attacking VMS? oh no,
sorry, they won that war some years ago :-])

 > Getting back to the original thread, from my point of view a goal in
 > using LaTeX for journals is that one can use the full strength of LaTeX.
speaking from the point of view of a commercial publisher, we'd rather
you didnt use LaTeX at all, full stop :-}

 > So I think all essential stuff should be in the core part and not in the
 > contributed part.  Since the contrib stuff is not in all distributions
 > etc it's almost as bad as having to find the various packages outside of
this is the whole point of the argument, surely?! to get the contrib
stuff OUT of that state, and into a mode where everyone knows that
"natbib" is part of "latex level 2".

 > them etc.  And keep in mind the colleague is often not a LaTeX guru but
 > just a normal guy.
 > To me, this implies cathedral mode.

but our bishops dont have the resources to maintain the fabric; they
can just keep the roof on the chapter house, and the naves are full of
chickens. they need a police force to clean up the whole building
