werner lemberg asks,
Is there any plan to adapt Justin Ziegler's math encoding proposal as
documented in l3d007.tex as `official'? What are the results of the
TUG Technical Working Group on a math encoding?
the working group hasn't done anything as a group for several years.
however, various individuals post new material from time to time.
i have been working on a project (stix) that has some bearing on math
fonts, namely
- working with the unicode technical committee to add a quite large
number of math symbols to unicode and iso 10646.
- participating in the review of new fonts being created for use
both in print and on the web, which will be freely available
under license; these will contain all the newly encoded symbols,
and will be made in both type 1 and truetype formats.
for some background information on the stix project, see
(unfortunately, it's not up to date; documentation always seems to
come last ...)
for a draft of unicode 3.2, which contains most of the newly coded
symbols, see
regarding justin's proposal, various problems have begun to loom
large when considering that the stix fonts are to be used both in
print and on the web. they are intended for use with browsers and
other software that can't cope with the way tex fonts are constructed.
for example, positions 0-32, and some others, must not be used,
meaning that the full 256 positions cannot be filled. not all the
organizations participating in the stix project use tex, so the
fonts meet their needs as well as those of (la)tex. i have every
intention of encouraging the use of justin's work as a basis for
arranging the new fonts, insofar as possible given the limitations.
i've taken a look at the working group page, and found some glitches.
i'll try to get those fixed soon, in particular the pointer to the
unicode material.
werner continues,
I'm working on encguide.tex and a German translation of it, and I try
to fill the gaps which still are in the document...
that's a worthy endeavour. please do provide a pointer when it's
ready for comments.
-- bb