There seems to be a lot of replies of the type "Concerning feature 'foo',
it should be exctly as 'bar', all others are unnecessary".
Would it not be best asking the fellows who have some experience of this
crossing borders, and let that knowledge decide?
For example, with the numbers, it is so that all Swedish numbers _should_
be typeset with a comma like "3,1415..", and not "3.1415..", as in English.
Now, if all your Swedish manuscripts will get their numbers from Swedish
sources, this poses no problem, becuse they will have the right form from
the beginning, but frequently the numbers come from computer programs which
uses the English format. -- So somehow, those numbers _must_ be translated.
Now, _I_ have resolved this problem by always using English in my notes,
so I do not really know what Swedes who do a lot of number-format
translating think -- perhaps they would enjoy such a feature or perhaps
they do not. Thus I report the feature, to be known, for further
investigation in the future.
Hans Aberg