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Mailing list for the LaTeX3 project <[log in to unmask]>
Ulrik Vieth <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 8 Jul 1997 13:53:12 +0200
Mailing list for the LaTeX3 project <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
> My point is: the TeX-live-2 version is dated "April 1997", one and a half
> years after "the second public version (November 1995)", yet has a version
> number 0.1 something, not 0.9 something.  Something very strange is going
> on here...

It is possible that the date shown in the printout of the document
might be the date when it was last run through TeX, not when it was
created (which you might blame on an oversight of the author).
As for the TDS version numbers, the sequence went 0.98, 0.99, 0.100
... 0.104, 0.999 followed by 0.9991 ... 0.9993 about one year later.
Perhaps it would have been better to go 0.98, 0.981 ... 0.98x, 0.99,
0.991 ... 0.99x, but its obviously too late to correct this now.

I suppose the best way to clean up this mess might be to re-issue
the lastest TDS version (0.9993) as 1.0, publish it in TUGboat and
everywhere else where it might be of an interest and freeze it
once and for all.

> P.S. No signs of a PDF version on CTAN, which is why I am using the TeX-live-2
> version...

Why not get yourself a PDF-TeX installation, fetch the latest TDS
sources, run them through TeX, and upload your tds.pdf to CTAN
to  do everyone else a favour if you're so concerned about it?
Personally, I can live with a DVI version at the moment...

Cheers, Ulrik.