I tackled the task of writing the fdu files, and I've just
finished a first version of ts1. I will begin shortly with
Greek and Cyrillic and any advice on the existing encoding
files will be most welcome.
>> %\DeclareTextSymbol{\textasteriskcentered}{OMS}{3} % "03
> How about U+2217 (ASTERISK OPERATOR)?
> OTOH, \textasteriskcentered is probably a glyphic variation on the normal
> asterisk rather than a separate character.
There is a LOW ASTERISK (U+204E), which is actually centered in
the fonts I have got with that char.
> There are already extensive lists of character mappings available at:
> http://www.unruh.de/DniQ/latex/unicode/content/config/
Thanks. I think the Greek and Cyrillic mappings will be useful.
> === 2. \IeC
Javier Bezos | TeX y tipografia
jbezos arroba wanadoo punto es | http://perso.wanadoo.es/jbezos/
Composición de textos técnico-científicos y con escrituras no latinas
Consultoría y desarrollo de soluciones para TeX, LaTeX y Omega