Uwe Lück <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Happy Easter Holidays!
> -- Here is a proposal for an advanced search of Easter eggs:
> I thought it would be a matter of an hour or so to solve the
> problems with \@reinserts in LaTeX's output routine
> (see LaTeX bugs 3370, 3451, 3719).
In addition to my last mail (which I strangely have not seen on the
list yet), I'd want to add that the next international TeX conference
is BachoTeX <URL:http://www.gust.org.pl/BachoTeX/2005/en/> in Poland,
a conference known for its scenic setting, long evenings and usually
impressive international attendance (this year seems somewhat less
well represented than usual at least from the speakers' side, probably
because of the proximity to the recent EuroTeX 2005 conference).
If you take a look at the program, it happens that I have a workshop
Hooking into LaTeX's output routine for delayed layout decisions
David Kastrup
TeX's insertion mechanisms are not coupled with the page break
optimization in any useful manner. Breaking insertions can only be
done properly if no page material follows. The break will
basically ignore TeX's penalty system. Material needs to be of
fixed vertical size. As a result, filling pages with footnotesm,
in particular footnotes run into a single paragraph, can't be done
in satisfactory manner in a single pass: the sizes of the
resulting footnote blocks become known only after a first page
break decision has been made.
As a result, the bigfoot package (and similar packages) have to
make tentative breaks and rerun the material through the output
routine until it is considered optimally arranged. What are the
techniques for hooking into LaTeX's output routine in a manner
that keeps running headers, figures and possibly other packages
working as well as possible?
Now workshops are scheduled due to interest, and it may be that this
particular talk will not hold much interest for most participants, so
further audience would probably be appreciated and it should be
possible to address personal problems effectively.
The conference fees are very reasonable for the provided service
(though you should register before March 31st for a good price), and
the location can usually be reached quite well by bus (like Eurolines)
on the Toruń-Olsztyn route (I actually get there from Bochum without
changing busses at all). If you can convince the bus driver to drop
you off at the Bachotek turnoff directly (usually no problem with a
map), you are in walking distance. If not, getting to Brodnica should
do the trick: usually there is a shuttle service organized from there.
David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum