Hi Will,
> Like Frank said earlier, please don't take any lack of comment from me
> as disinterest --- it's unfortunately a busy time for me.
No worries at all --- I'm just happy that I've had a lull in my own work
to think about this some more. So it goes :)
> Correct me if I'm being daft, but doesn't "requiredness" need to be
> checked at the template not object level? [...] Depending what type of
> template you choose to typeset the object, you may or may not end up
> using the various pieces of information.
Oh, you're absolutely right --- I never thought about it that way. If
this idea is used, templates would definitely need to have some way of
declaring which object properties are required. But perhaps...
> Or perhaps both objects and templates need to have a concept of which
> parameters are required, and only work together if they match
> appropriately.
...there could be a combination of the two, with the current concept of
'absolutely required' elements --- those properties without which the
object is meaningless (like a section title). I think the 'matching'
idea might be a maintenance nightmare, but I think the idea would be
useful as some sort of 'inheritance' idea.
Then again, this is implementing a feature that is emphasizing an
already existing idea (assuming templates are given a sense of required
properties). While I really like the "don't repeat yourself" of having
required properties at the object level, I'm not sure it's worth the
added language complexity. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I'm just
saying I can't quite envision how it would play out in the end.
* * *
Perhaps something like
\DeclareObject { name }
first : tokenlist ,
middle : tokenlist ,
last : tokenlist ,
\DeclareTemplateInterface { name } { full-name }
{ first, last }
reversed : boolean ,
first-name-format : tokenlist ,
middle-name-format : tokenlist ,
last-name-format : tokenlist ,
I would note that this does fit well with the existing xtemplate
interface. Normally, we would issue
\DeclareTemplateInterface { name } { full-name } { 2 } { ... }
to indicate that there are two required arguments. The required
arguments listed in the above syntax is (conveniently) in the same
My immediate concern with this is the idea of (co-)dependencies.
Perhaps something like this can express those:
\DeclareTemplateInterface { name } { full }
{ last }
{ middle : first }
reversed : boolean ,
first-name-format : tokenlist ,
middle-name-format : tokenlist ,
last-name-format : tokenlist ,
Where 'last' is the only *required* property and to provide 'middle',
you must provide 'first'. Perhaps lt3graph can be leveraged?
Just thinking out loud here. Perhaps this kind of co-dependency isn't
really needed to begin with, but I suppose it's something to keep in
mind. If this was used, there would have to be some sort of
dependency-cycle checking going on at declaration time, but that's just
a detail.
* * *
I'm interested in what you're thinking though:
> Or perhaps both objects and templates need to have a concept of which
> parameters are required, and only work together if they match
> appropriately.
What kind of syntax do you have in mind? It might make more sense.
* * *
Thanks again (everyone --- past, present, future) for giving this a
hearing and offering your own ideas. :)