Sebastian writes:
> \author{surname=Rahtz, inits=S.,
> mainauthor=true,
> forename=Sebastian Patrick,
> qual=AJFL,
> title={},
> address=add1, affiliation=aff1}
Nice idea, but what about journals that print initials withouth dots?
In the IOP physics journal, they print author names like "T T C Jones",
so if you say \author{surname=Jones, inits=T.T.C.}, your're already
encoding some part of the presentation, not just the information.
Some other \frontmatter problems that haven't been mentioned so far:
* What about papers representing a team effort? In the proceedings
issues of plasma physics journals you often find something like
<author list> and the ITER Joint Central Team and Home Teams
or even
ITER Joint Central Team, presented by A. U. Thor
Such papers, especially the latter kind, always cause headaches
if you want to encode them in a BibTeX database, especially if
some other journals prefer to cite such paper as
A. U. Thor and ITER Joint Central Team
to put the presenting author first regardless of the ordering
in the original paper.
* What about address records containing some sort of common element
that should be placed as a footnote to several address blocks.
For instance, given authors from three labs working in cooperation,
\address{id=lab1,address=Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany}
\address{id=lab2,address=Ecole Royale Militaire, Belgium}
\address{id=lab3,address=FOM Institut voor Plasmafysica, Netherlands}
the official policy may ask for a footnote such as
text={partners in the Trilaterial Euregio Cluster}}
(This is indeed a real life example, not something that I've made up.)
Just a reminder that there a still a number of extra complications waiting
to be resolved in an all-encompassing fronmatter spec.
Cheers, Ulrik.