> due to a problem in my VMS mailbox, I have lost my newmails. But I have found
> that there were 33 from LATEX-L unread :( Does anyone make a copy, or is there
> any archive you know, so I can read them? (I specially need responses to
> my messages.)
I PURGE my mail folder (REALLY getting rid of deleted messages) just
before I log out at the end of each day---5 minutes ago! Too late.
Otherwise, they would have been there.
VMS MAIL (and others) who don't REALLY delete things right away and are
still online (in the States?) might be able to help you. Maybe someone
keeps all as a matter of course.
I don't know if there is an archive.
Phillip Helbig Email ......... [log in to unmask]
Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories Tel. .... +44 1477 571 321 (ext. 297)
Jodrell Bank Fax ................ +44 1477 571 618
Macclesfield Telex ................ 36149 JODREL G
UK-Cheshire SK11 9DL Web ... http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/~pjh/
My opinions are not necessarily those of NRAL or the University of Manchester.