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James Kilfiger <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 13 Jan 0100 18:57:14 +0000
text/plain (23 lines)
> the problem with this and perhaps the problem with the whole mechanism is that
> a lot of people have learned to write environments like this:
> \newenvironment{foo}{...\quote ...}{ ... \endquote ...}
> ie without using \begin/\end internally.
> if all such things like \quote internally use \EndThisEnviornment then guess
> what happens. so this needs some thoughts.
>  a) do not allow above usage

I don't know how verbatim environments will be implemented in latex3,
but the verbatim package requires this short hand.  One posiblity that
comes to mind is that there should be a class writer's version of \begin
and end (\BeginEnvironment ?) that do not set the current environment,
and could perhaps be used with verbatim and other unusual things.

BTW, how is the vertical space handling and the rest of latex2e coming
along, now that Y2K has come and gone.
