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Sebastian Rahtz <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 9 Nov 1998 10:16:28 +0000
text/plain (35 lines)
Roozbeh Pournader writes:
 > thinking about forgetting all efforts I have had to widen the
 > use of TeX and stuff in this part of the world, if LaTeX
 > is going this way, to get converted to a typesetting engine
 > used by some What You See Is All You've Got system.
contradictory, surely? TeX's power should replace the WYSIAYG stuff.

 >    <DIV id="client-boyera" class="client">
 >    <P><SPAN class="client-title">Client information:</SPAN>
 >    some stuff</DIV>
 >    (quoted from HTML4.0 description from W3C)
 > which is more dirty.  Do you? (and remained a TeXie?)  Do you see it
 > user friendly and readable? Like LaTeX code?
why dont you write

 <client id="boyera">some stuff</client>

and process it with a DSSSL or XSL style sheet, which could target the
screen, paper (using TeX) or an audio renderer?

 > Sorry for duckspeak, perhaps a Knuth's fan is a stranger here in TeXsoc :)
TeX is a typesetting engine, pretty damn good it is too. i want to use
it, does most of what i want. i don't care what its input is, because I
dont want to write it, i want a computer to write it for me, based on
my abstract text, and my stylesheet. Lamport LaTeX is a system that does that
for me, and very well it has served me, but now i want better. so i
turn to XML and its style sheets, to replace *Lamport LaTeX*. Knuth's TeX
itself stays underneath, untouched as it always was. what *LaTeX 3*
might do as an intermediate layer is less clear.
