Fri, 22 Sep 2000 08:52:01 +0200
> » Th ec fonts (probably only these) have the extra parameters as
> » described.
> Well... All T1 fonts installed with fontinst do have these, although
> they're not necessarily meaningfull.
Is this documentated somewhere? Is there a reference to, e.g., the Metafont
book or vol. E?
I think it would be a useful extension to the TFM format to have these
font informations "officially" built in.
BTW what happens if you use such fonts in math?
> If you want grid fitting, I'm afraid you have to set \topsep to a
> quite high value (height of the bounbing box of the largest char that
> could appear there?)
As I've read somewhere one shouldn't change \topskip because it influences
the output routine somehow. And -- if I'm remembering correctly -- I changed
the \topskip value to Didot points (because the body size, etc. was in
Didot) and experienced some unexpected behavior.
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