Frank Mittelbach wrote:
> A few comments on Achim nice piece of work:
>  > %   This template starts a new environment, typesets the head of a
>  > %   theorem, and sets fonts for the body of the theorem. The
>  > %   environment is ended by an \verb|\@endtheorem| command.
> in my implementation for lists (not ready yet) I used something like
> \EndThisList to denote the reference to the code.


> for the theoremstyle template type a good name could then be something
> like \EndThisTheorem.

I think it would be a good idea to uniformly call those commands

                                _                             | \_____/ |
    //  Achim Blumensath       | \  _                        \O/ \___/\ |
   //   [log in to unmask]   |-< /_\                       =o=  \ /\ \|
 \X/    (p^2 - m^2)\psi = 0    |_/ \_                        /"\   o----|