Frank Mittelbach a écrit :

> i know that, but that doesn't mean any of those groups and neither the user
> groups are necessarily qualified to decide a standard.

moreover, there may be many groups for one language...

>  Sorry Thierry :-)

Argh! -)

Well, I know my approach is limited to languages doables with
isolatin1\cap T1 and limited to some OS, so it is bad for portability
(if someone gets a non-inputenc file I made and tries to transcode it to
applemac, it may fail to compile once inputenc enters the game, either
because I prefered to define a \français CS or because expansion of some
accented letters will fail somewhere) -- it would work with TCP,
though... On the other hand, I made a book with nice interlettered small
caps in the heading (using soul.sty), which works perfectly as long as
latex doesn't expand é to \'e before soul sees it, which happens with
inputenc (maybe i could use soul in a better way, or of course create an
letterspaced small caps font) -- I thought latex's internal
representation was in T1, maybe most of these problems of single letters
becoming 3 tokens could be handled by pseudo typesetting in T1 (^^e9)
when writing to the aux file or in moving arguments (probably a stupid

> so in my opinion it there should be no default for input
> encodings other than the one which is currently called "ascii" in inputenc and
> which makes any 8bit an error.

if inputenc becomes mandatory, this is the only safe policy, I guess.

> the main problem i see with defaults for output encodings is that for languages
> like French or German there isn't really a good default

honestly, there is a good default and it's T1, you can't hyphenate &
kern properly these languages with OT1 or even mltex's version of OT1.
The only reasonnable alternative would be LY1 (8r seems to be
deprecated...), and I don't see how a L encoding could be a default one.
Here people confuse the default design/font format. T1 doesn't mean at
all EC fonts in the MF version. It means that you use T1 metrics and
that is required for french, e.g. If you want type 1 versions, you can
use virtual fonts or buy EM, or use any real PS font.

I've not used OT1 for french except in verbatim mode since the release
of latex2e beta.
