At 09.01 +0200 2001-04-10, Frank Mittelbach wrote:
> > It is a bit annoying that the galley stuff makes all old code so completely
> > ineffective. Would it be possible to create some templates which (at each
> > \par and in \everypar, I suspect) simply have the mechanisms look in the
> > registers which take the names of the primitive parameters and uses the
> > values found there? It would (hopefully) enable old code to work in the
> > extent that it isn't overridden by settings using the LaTeX2e* interfaces.
>the comepltexity of the galley2 implementation isn't due to me being naughty,
>it is more or less in my believe due to the nature of the beast. in other
>words, I started out with the idea of hooking into \par and \everypar (which
>is essentially what I do) and ended up with this type of code (and this is in
>fact already the second prototype)

My point was that by providing some kind of "compability template" for
galley-related stuff one could make the transition from the LaTeX2e to
LaTeX2e* much easier. Today it is hard to start using galley simply because
you have to redo _everything_ in your layout that galley is involved
in---thus you face an enormous amount of work even though each part of it
may have become much simpler. If one could redo e.g. the frontmatter using
the galley interfaces and then select the compability template (which would
essentially have galley try its best to imitate the old interfaces) for the
reminder of the document, then I suspect that more people would consider
trying it out.

It's basically the old "how do we get enough people to switch to XXX"
problem that I think needs to be addressed.

Lars Hellström