Bjoern Pedersen writes:

 > I am currently doing some testing with the xor-package.
 > If I use book.cls,  it goes in an inifite loop in the mark-processing.
 > If anybody has a fix, I would be interessted.


this is not a fix but a workaround.

reason for the problem: xor uses multiple marks ie xmarks.dtx provides a
different mark structure than std latex has.

you can get into similar problems if you say in latex something like
\mark{foo}, ie if you do not preserve the fact that current latex requires a
mark to consist of exactly 2 groups, eg \mark{{foo}{bar}} internally.

now the mark mechanism for pagelayout hasn't been done so far, thus if you
combine the new OR with the old \pagestyle interface : "bomb*"

 \@tempa ->\q@no@value
 \q@no@value ->\q@no@value
 \q@no@value ->\q@no@value

this is one of the famous "quarks" in the l3 experimental languages, it allows
for very tight loops :-)

we always wondered if it would be too tight for use in a production system.

 > A minimal test-file will follow during the weekend.

fast, didn't know we had already weekend :-)
