At 18.59 +0100 2003-01-20, Frank Mittelbach wrote:
>David Kastrup writes:
> > How about squashing this particular problem with
> > \protected\def{\"a}{\ifmmode ...}?
>yes, that is indeed possible a way to go (with eTeX version 2 that is)
>i think i did say last night that etex doesn't havesomething to stop scanning
>for \omit andthe like, but my memory played tricks on me.
>it did not have such a thing in version 1 but with version 2 \protected was
>extended to do exactly that stop the scan of an \omit
>so that would be one point in favour of an eTeX based solution, as suggested
>in the policy discussion

Would it break anything if the LaTeX core would say

  \ifx \protected\@undefined \def\protected{} \fi

and \protected was used before each definition of a LICR command?

Lars Hellström