Chris Rowley <[log in to unmask]> writes:

> We are therefore encouraging all TeX distributions (as soon as
> possible and certainly by 2004):
> -- to include an executable that provides the e-TeX features;
> -- to use this executable when making and running the LaTeX format;
>    and/or to provide a configurable and straightforward way for a user
>    to make the change to using such an `e-TeX compliant' executable.

Another issue has come to my attention right now which I have not
mentioned before:

The elatex and latex executables may have different search paths.
While I have been able to let the


command revert to an eTeX format by default in a Web2C installation by
editing fmtutil.cnf and regenerating formats, the different search
path made


fail when used inside of a file processed by the now modified "latex"
command rather than the "elatex" command.  This difference might be
worth mentioning to distribution vendors in some manner, too.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum