
Timothy Murphy <[log in to unmask]> writes:

> On Thursday 17 July 2003 11:10, Torsten Bronger wrote:
>> Surprisingly enough, TeX is the most serious limitation at the
>> moment (of course also because it's so vital).  It's still the best
>> back-end for typesetting something, however its treatment of
>> so-called special characters, lack of true unicode support, and the
>> distinction text/math mode is really unfortunate.
> Wouldn't "true unicode support" require fonts with 64000 glyphs?

No.  But something better than current totally inhomogeneous and
fragile solutions.

> And isn't it quite sensible to distinguish between text and maths?

XML doesn't do it and I find this very convenient.  In (La)TeX, for
many characters you need different commands for text and math mode.
I'd love to have a typesetting system to which I could pass a say
'small Greek letter alpha', and it would just work in every context.
No font families, no encodings, no active/special characters, no
babel settings, and no modes to worry about.  Wonderful ...


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus