William F Hammond schrieb:
> > My decision was made mainly in three steps.

> The issues underlying these points have been addressed in the GELLMU
> Project: http://www.albany.edu/~hammond/gellmu/ .

Sorry, I don't see your point. My conviction is that the current LaTeX
syntax can be improved with regard to legibility. As far as I
understand GELLMU, this project tries to use the LaTeX syntax to
produce HTML documents, for instance. I don't see how it is concerned
with improving the LaTeX syntax. Maybe you can point me to the correct

> That said, I would not propose to change the syntax of LaTeX itself
> unless it might be in conjunction with the introduction in LaTeX of
> \documenttype parallel to \documentclass.

I'm not sure if you mean document type in the same sense as GELLMU
(\documenttype{html}). Then there may be a misunderstanding.
Nevertheless, I was told that LaTeX3 will be able to support several
syntaxes. The statement, which syntax is used in a document may be
what you ment by \documenttype.

> I would also like to point out that Texinfo, the elderly language of
> the GNU Documentation System, has a rigid syntax that may be
> considered, apart from notation, responsive to the issues in
> "syntax.pdf". Note that "sgmltexi" is an SGML model for Texinfo.
> And please note that LaTeX, not Texinfo, is a backend for GELLMU
> though Texinfo could be a backend, too.

Sorry, I'm not very understanding today. What issues do you mean in

As far as I can see, Texinfo uses only commands that take no or one
  examples: @settitle title
The main issues I thought about in LaTeX are caused by commands that
can take several more.

Sorry that I'm answering with a lot more questions.
