
followup: here is what i would propose except that either one also has to do
this to \@dbflt or put the \@currentlabel definition into \@xfloat or perhaps
\@floatboxreset --- which of these is best really depends on how other
packages hook into the kernel float mechanism




  \def\@currentlabel{\textbf{[bad label]}\protect\before@caption@err}%
%%   or perhaps only:        ?
    {\edef\reserved@a{\noexpand\@xfloat{#1}[\csname fps@#1\endcsname]}%

\def\before@caption@err{\@latexerr{\noexpand\ref to misplaced
      {Labels have to follow the object that they are labeling. The
       label you\MessageBreak  are
       referencing here should be moved after the
       \noexpand\caption command.}}%


\begin{figure} \label{foo} \end{figure}

Hallo \ref{foo} on page \pageref{foo}.
