
Lars Hellström wrote:
> As for "spaced small caps": what is that supposed to be for? Some
> variation on the ugly spacing for  e m p h a s i s  tradition, or
> what?

It's intended for titling.

As already mentioned in another mail I'm not asking for inclusion of
these axes into the standard font selection scheme, but for a way for
package authors to define their own axes.

> >  - one axis for text figures/lining figure, and
> >  - one axis for proportional figures/tabular figures.
> That last one is rather a special case of width.


> A point to note here is that these first two "o" level items could have a
> common solution. \bfdefault is an example of a higher level (than
> \fontseries, \fontshape, and friends) font selection, but in LaTeX2e this
> is very rudimentary; the problem is IMO that there is no interface for a
> font declaration file to supply the necessary information about what can be
> chosen. Multiple shape axes could similarly be implemented on top of the
> NFSS2 shape axis, if the higher level font selection was more intelligent.

This is exactly what our current implementation does.

> >o The ability to change math fonts within the document.
> Doesn't \mathversion provide precisely that?

Yes and no. \mathversion also does not provide several axes. In this
case we need medium/bold and tabular/proportional.

                                                              | \_____/ |
   Achim Blumensath                                          \O/ \___/\ |
   TU Darmstadt                                              =o=  \ /\ \|
   www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/~blumensath                /"\   o----|