> > On behalf of the LaTeX Team I'd like to announce the public beta
> > test of the new LaTeX release (officially dated 2005/12/01).

OK, here a bug and buglet report, and a bundling request.  Sorry for
writing to this address instead of registering the bug in the
database, but I'm offline (sitting in a train).

. The commands \ij and \IJ aren't mapped to Unicode in the file
  `t1enc.dfu'.  With other words, these two lines are missing:


. The files `report.cls', `size10.clo', `size11.clo', and `size12.clo'
  from the last LaTeX release identify themselves as

    2004/02/16 v1.4f

  while the new version uses

    2005/09/16 v1.4f

  I suggest to increase the version number to, say, 1.4g.

. For the creation of encguide.pdf I would be glad to see all
  available fonts in the PDF document -- more than have been used in
  the PDF file from the beta test bundle.
