Hi Joseph,

On 20/09/2008, at 3:39 PM, Joseph Wright wrote:

> Just to say I've added a few more properties to l3keys, and uploaded  
> it to
> the same location as before.  This covers a few cases handled nicely  
> by
> kvoptions which are not so easy in pgfkeys.

Great, this sounds like it will be a very useful package.
Now I need to go over template with a fine tooth comb to make a proper  
comparison, since I haven't really used it at all yet.

Can I recommend that you start up a (say) GitHub repository[*] for  
this code to make it easier to (a) track changes in it, and (b) for  
*me* to be able to keep your code in sync with changes that we will  
end up making to the expl3 repository?

Ideally, this will mean that when we do a big overhaul of the names  
and functions, we can include your files in the search/replace/tweak  
and just push the changes back to you.

[*] I suggest GitHub both because I use it, and because I now really  
like using git for new projects instead of svn.
