On 20/10/2008, at 6:12 PM, Joseph Wright wrote:

> Reading through l3basics, I see that \def_test_function_new:npn  
> creates
> FT variants of the tests as well as TF, T and F ones.  However, the FT
> variant doesn't get mentioned anywhere for the tests created.  Is this
> needed, and if so shouldn't it be mentioned.

I noticed that recently too. I think it would be better to remove that  
variant in the expl3 syntax, since it doesn't seem like it adds much  
of importance but it adds a bit of obfuscation. I mean, if you're used  
to true/false code to usually be {...true...}{...false...} then  
switching that every now and then and only indicating it by FT instead  
of TF is kinda hard to spot.

Anyone else have additional thoughts?