Arno Trautmann <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Joseph Wright wrote:
> My opinion about the \begin<env>\...end<env>: I don't like it at all.
> ConTeXt uses \startenv ... \endenv, which is a bit better. A perfect thing
> would be: \envstart ... \envend. Reason: autocompletion works much better.
> Now I always have to type \begin{do <tab> to get \begin{document} as
> completion. With \documentstart it would only be \do <tab>.

you're talking about the user interface, which could very well be
improved.  (the current one isn't too bad for me, since i tend not ever
to type environments: emacs/auctex does 'em for me.)

joseph seemed to me to be addressing the internal macros that implement
environments, rather than what the user says to invoke the environment.

the existing system has its problems, not least because one mayn't use
\newcommand to define a command \end...; this is certainly a bear trap.
however, there seem relatively few bears around nowadays.  we have had
_one_ confused user on c.t.t in the last 12 months, that i recall.
