Joseph Wright <[log in to unmask]> writes:

> I'd wondered about implementing \DeclareDocumentCommand so that it
> always did \DeclareDocumentCommandInterface and
> \DeclareDocumentCommandImplementation. However, I'm not sure this really
> works that well. As I've already pointed out, we still rely on the two
> parts having the same number of arguments.  That will fall down if we
> imagine something like:
> \section*[short]{long}
> versus
> <sectiontitle numbered="false",shorttitle="short">
>   long
> </sectiontitle>
> or some such XML-like input, at least without an intermediate layer.

I'm not really following this thread -- in particular, I don't
understand exactly what xparse-gellmu might do, much less whether I,
as opposed to someone else, should do it.

But please allow me to point out here that in the case of something

    \section*[Translation of \LaTeX{}]{Translation of \LaTeX{}
    to other markup languages}

an XML attribute -- the value of 'shorttitle' above -- cannot contain
markup.  So


might better be represented in XML by

<section numbered="false">
</section>  *** close tag triggered downstream, e.g., by the magic
                of a full SGML parser

                                -- Bill