Will Robertson writes:
 > Well, when I think about xparse and the idea of multiple layers -1, I  
 > can't help but feel that xparse takes a fairly limiting approach.
 > Consider Bill Hammond's example:
 >     \section*[short]{long}
 > to
 >     <section numbered="false">
 >     <shorttitle>short</shortitle>
 >     <sectiontitle>long</sectiontitle>
 >     </section>
 > There is no way we could do that at present with xparse. We'd need to  
 > assign names to all optional arguments and some sort of mapping  
 > between boolean flags and tag attributes.

I think some of the problem here lies in the fact that you all think of xparse
as a bunch of TeX macros providing a single solution. Don't.

Think of xparse as an abstract concept that identifies a layer -1 language
interface. "Identifies" is the keyword I think.

The translation from layer -1 language to layer 0 language might as well
happen with somethign other than a Tex-based language (or even if it is done
with such an engine it might happen depending on the type of layer -1 language
in totally different ways)

This is why I would think that separating the two is key. There is (and can
be) a single interface to declare a layer 0 command. And for each such command
there is an interface declaration for each layer -1 (but how that interface
decl is done might differ from layer -1 to layer -1).

The xml one could for example consist of xml declarations that define how to

    <section numbered="false">


    \UseInstance {sectioning} {section} {#1} {#2} {#3}

and nobody says that this translation has to be done by a TeX-based engine
(though it could - long time ago I have written a restricted sgml interface
and others have done similar things).

The big open question for me is to describe what the language at layer 0
really looks like.
