Joseph Wright a écrit :
> % There are \emph{very rare} occasion when it may be useful to create
> % fully expandable document commands. To support this, \pkg{xparse}
> % can create expandable functions as well as the usual robust
> % ones. This imposes a number of restrictions on the nature of the
> % arguments accepted by a function, and the code it implements.
> % This facility should only be used when \emph{absolutely necessary};
> % if you do not understand when this might be, \emph{do not use these
> % functions}!

> %  Parsing arguments expandability imposes a number of restrictions on

expandability -> expandably?

> %    \item The last argument of the function must be mandatory
> %      (type \texttt{l}, \texttt{m} or \texttt{u}).

Maybe add: "In particular, the function must have at least one mandatory argument."

> %      |\foo[stuff]{argument}| and |\foo{[}]{argument}|. As a

I guess you meant \foo{[}stuff]{argument}.

> I hope that basically covers it (anything else important?).

Nothing I can think of.
