On 11/11/2009, at 9:08 AM, David Carlisle wrote:

>> How do you access the unicode range of symbols in pmml2tex? I mean,
>> obviously they can be translated to TeX names via bb's STIX table,
> actually older data than the stix table
> http://www.w3.org/2003/entities/2007xml/unicode.xml
> which began life in Sebastian's jadetex distribution a lifetime ago.
> Although I sync up with barbara from time to time...

Aditya working with the ConTeXt guys is interested in putting together  
a "master copy" for defining unicode math csnames in both ConTeXt &  
LaTeX. But for now my canonical reference is bb.

Your unicode.xml file defines math alphabets with names \mathsfbfsl  
and so on which is similar to what I have in unicode-math but not  
identical. Do they come from anywhere or are they essentially arbitrary?

> But actually coverage in pmml2tex at the character level isn't that  
> great
> I was sort of hoping "someone" would sort that out automatically if I
> dropped in (say) xetex and the stix fonts at the back end instead:-)

If you're happy to experiment, then my unicode-math package should  
help you out there:

It's not yet on CTAN because I keep adding things (and perhaps not  
quite finishing others) but it's become a lot more stable/useful  
recently. (It sort of works in LuaTeX at the moment as far as  
accessing glyphs go, but I believe that OpenType math support is non- 
existent. Gotta replicate what Hans et Taco have done for ConTeXt  
MkIV, as far as I know.)

It's not exactly set up to use the STIX fonts out of the box because  
it expects (by default) all math symbols/chars/glyphs to exist within  
a single font. E.g., it works best with

     \setmathfont{Cambria Math}

Having said that, in theory this is supposed to work: (assuming there  
are no bugs at the moment!)


But I haven't actually tested this properly yet...oops. Let me know if  
you're interested and I'll scurry away and do my groundwork properly.

-- Will