2010/2/11 Will Robertson <[log in to unmask]>:
> On 11/02/2010, at 8:42 AM, Philipp Stephani wrote:
>> However, any of these has to be done quickly: If LaTeX 3 won't be
>> finished before LuaTeX, it will be obsolete anyway.
> LaTeX3 and LuaTeX are orthogonal; one does not deprecate the other.

They do. I predict that people will soon (TL2011) mostly use lualatex
instead of pdflatex (or xelatex).  But they will use LaTeX2e. And I
have not seen substantial efforts by the LaTeX3 team on lualatex - as
I have not seen these efforts on xelatex nor pdflatex.

The only thing ConTeXt Mk IV needs to take over most of the potential
"market share" of LaTeX3 is books for end users. And they will appear
eventually. Most likely before LaTeX3.

Of course LaTeX will survive (probably all of us): But only as a
markup language for scientific articles. And those will eventually be
typeset by systems like ConTeXt or DocScape.
