Will Robertson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> On 03/03/2010, at 3:44 PM, Khaled Hosny wrote:
> >> I believe this should be integrated into the LaTeX/babel kernel, but
> >> we've still got the problem that the babel test suite has not yet been
> >> integrated into the 2e SVN repository.
> >> 
> >> Is there any way around this impasse?
> > 
> > For our case, we can install the patched hyphen.cfg under luatex
> > specific path, e.g. tex/luatex/babel/hyphen.cfg. So other engines won't
> > see it meaning less risk for melting the precious latex freeze.
> This would be a good solution, but it's doubtful that the CTAN
> maintainers would allow such a file in their network (correct me if
> I'm wrong, Robin). 

a simple file hyphen.cfg _could_ be difficult.  (we disallow things on
the basis of what would go on in the "simple mind" if they saw it, but
we already have

2007/06/28 |       2185 | language/french/frenchpro/french/initex/hyphen.cfg
1995/02/08 |       1059 | macros/latex/contrib/cmcyralt/hyphen.cfg
1999/01/09 |       1059 | macros/latex/contrib/lhcyr/lhcyralt/hyphen.cfg
1999/01/09 |       1060 | macros/latex/contrib/lhcyr/lhcyrkoi/hyphen.cfg
1999/01/09 |       1059 | macros/latex/contrib/lhcyr/lhcyrwin/hyphen.cfg
2005/05/08 |       5630 | systems/omega/contrib/antomega/omega/lambda/antomega/hyphen.cfg

so we would need to temper our disapproval ;-)

put it on macros/luatex (or whatever the dir is) would improve the situation.

disguise it in (say) a .dtx file luatex_hyphen.dtx would be ideal.
