On 07/08/2010 14:57, Arno Trautmann wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am looking for a way to define an environment that takes a range as an
> optional argument. This should be given in the following way:
> \begin{environment}(15:5.23)
> with a default value, say (1:3). The two limits should then be parsed as
> single arguments which are separated by the colon.
> I am trying to do this with xparse and got some possible solutions with
> the u and d argument type, but I didn’t manage to get the parentheses
> optional. I guess what I need is some kind of an optional u argument …
> Does anyone have a suggestion how to easily implement these requests?
> cheers
> Arno

Hello Arno,

Parse the argument first as a 'd', then use \SplitArgument to do the 
subsequent work:

\NewDocumentCommand\showargs{mm}{Arg 1: #1, Arg 2: #2}


Here, \SplitArgument will return the result as two groups, unless there 
was \NoValue in which case nothing happens.
Joseph Wright