Am 08.02.11 04:59 schrieb Nelson H. F. Beebe:
> Your attention is directed to a new resource for mathematical
> typesetting:
> The scientific publisher, Springer, hosts the site, and populates it
> with more than 3.3M LaTeX code snippets containing mathematical text,
> presumably collected from the many journals, books, and conference
> proceedings that they publish.
> The service is free, and is described in more detail here:

Thanks for the hint. LaTeX Search has grown considerably since I last
visited the site. Indeed, you are redirected to books and journal
articles on SpringerLink when searching LaTeX Search beta. But
unfortunately I did not get any code snippets from there, only examples
of mathematical typesetting with LaTeX that I could download in those
cases I had access to SpringerLink content via the national licences
agreed with Springer for residents in Germany. Any hints?
