> As we need things, they are added. Of course, others should feel free to
> write things and send them along :-) (I have some more serious thoughts
> on that, but need to work some other items through yet. Perhaps next
> month if I work hard at it.)
>> I was thinking about this, but that would go too far. At least for a
>> short-term test version, that would be too much packages.
>> For long-term considerations, they would be nice to have in the format –
>> but this would blow up the size strongly, wouldn't it? We could imagine
>> a "plain LaTeX" format without them and a "bloated LaTeX" including … ;)

A plea for slow computers: I don't know how much having a format will
accelerate loading, but I guess that adding tikz would be too much.

>>> Fixltx2e has already been mentioned and would probably the first
>>> candidate for inclusion in the format.
>> Yes.
> For the moment, I think LaTeX3 'release' packages + fontspec + fixltx2e
> will do :-) (Long-term I would like to imagine most of the material
> listed above being part of LaTeX3. However, that is a way off and we
> should probably not overdo things just at the moment.)

Perhaps the {trace} package (although it seems included in l3chk, but
not loaded by expl3?)?

Bruno Le Floch