On 28/05/2011 18:33, Bruno Le Floch wrote:
> I have to say that I'm not fully keen either. The reason I'm asking
> here is that I don't want to put some code out there which shows how
> to add extra arguments types to xparse: as discussed earlier, this
> would lead to clashes between packages, and is a bad idea. I don't
> really have a use case (and I don't think that the OP's example is a
> real use case). Perhaps for people who like syntax like "\input foo "
> instead of "\input{foo}"? Or to grab the next word (or whatever)...

The nearest I've got so far in thinking about it is something like the
case where you are reading from an external table. There, however, you'd
normally grab 'up to' some token (tab, space, ',', ...), then split up
the input with dedicated code. I think that, like verbatim input, the
idea looks a bit too specialised for coverage by xparse.
