On 11/05/2011 20:03, Arno Trautmann wrote:
> Hi all,
> sorry for this rather trivial question, but at the moment it's driving
> me crazy …
> I just want to execute some code depending on the jobname. I found a
> solition by Donald Arsenau¹ that looks rather lengthy. So, I thought
> with LaTeX3, everything is easier. Now I tried this:
> \documentclass{minimal}
> \usepackage{expl3}
> \begin{document}
> \ExplSyntaxOn
> \tl_set:Nn\myjob{a}
> \tl_set:Nx\myjobii{\tl_to_str:N\myjob}
> \tl_if_eq:NNTF\myjobii\jobname{true}{false}
> \ExplSyntaxOff
> \end{document}
> because, based on Donald's post, I assumed that I need to have an “a”
> with catcode “other” for a successfull test.
> Now, calling
> lualatex --jobname=a test.tex
> always prints “false”. So – what is my mistake here and what would be
> the easiest way for such a test using expl3?
> cheers
> Arno

The \jobname primitive is not a token list variable, so this test won't
work: you want \c_job_name_tl. However, I'd use the \str_if_eq:xxTF test
here, as you want a string comparison


(This will work with \jobname as well, but the 'official' interface to
that in LaTeX3 is \c_job_name_tl.)
Joseph Wright