On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Bruno Le Floch <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> (1) Precedence:
> - Currently "a&&b||c" means "a&&(b||c)" and "a||b&&c" means "a||(b&&c)".
> - Other programming languages decide that either && or || has higher
> precedence. Is there an accepted consensus on which one should bound
> tighter?
> Should && have higher or lower priority than || ? Is there an accepted standard?
> Currently, in "a XX b YY c ZZ d", the right-most operator, "ZZ" has
> highest priority, then "YY", then "XX". In python it seems to be that
> "and" has higher precedence than "or".

In all the cases I've encountered, the order of precedence is defined
as NOT, AND, OR.  Wikipedia seems to agree (for what it's worth):

I'd like to see this order of precedence within LaTeX 3 as well.
Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll encounter little logic errors that are
difficult for me to track down (since I'm so accustomed to the
standard rules of precedence holding true).
