On 03/08/2012, at 9:53 PM, Bruno Le Floch wrote:

> Admittedly, none of the three "solutions" is great.  As Joseph notes,
> we've gone for a single line in the l3 source.  We could perhaps add
> \def\^^M{\unskip\space\ignorespaces} to the \begin{syntax} setup: this
> would allow
>    \cs{some_function_with_a_very_long_name:nnnnn} \
>      \Arg{first argument} \Arg{second argument} \
>      \Arg{third argument} \Arg{fourth argument} \
>      \Arg{fifth argument}

I've been thinking for a while that having \obeylines in the syntax environment (which predates my involvement on this code IIRC) has made certain things rather awkward.

It would be an annoying change to have to implement in our sources, but what do you think about dropping \obeylines?

-- Will