
There isn't really much of a  hierarchy:-) The time needs to be right
though and one suspects the time for this is approaching fast. You may have
noticed inputenc changed slightly in the 2014 release so it detects xetex/luatex
and at least doesn't trash the document (but doesn't do much useful apart from
give a warning or error to give people a hint what to do). That was all we could
do in the texlive 2014 timeframe.

I've seen it yes, and I really thank you for that!
Your're down as "inactive" in luainputenc  support according to ctan catalogue.

I remember a discussion with CTAN people to add "LuaLaTeX maintainers" (with the mail address [log in to unmask] and a link to https://github.com/lualatex) as active maintainer of the LuaLaTeX packages, I don't remember it clearly, but it seems that this wasn't done :)

I've been inactive during a few years, and I can't say I'm 200% active now, but I'm definitely following all the development of LuaLaTeX... on [log in to unmask] and as an admin of the https://github.com/lualatex group which contains the repositories of the main lualatex packages... I'm a bit late for a few things in luatexbase, but I'm still planning to add them one day! I'm still active on Gregorio (gregorio.cc) which works only with LuaLaTeX, and this is one of the main reasons I want things to work fine!

If someone has dropped out of TeX altogether (as happens sometimes) we wouldn't
want to pester them with tex questions, so that meant the situation with lualatex support
wasn't so clear when we were investigating this earlier in the year..

Sure, I understand that! And the mess between luatex.sty and luatexbase is maybe a bit difficult to understand too... I would like this not to have happened, but working with Heiko was (and is still) impossible, and things needed to be done...
  But if you are still around
and we do start to incorporate ideas from luainputenc into inputenc, we might have some
code to test later in the year and would be interested in your comments:-)

I'd be really glad to help, yes! Philipp Gesang is more active than I am, he's maintaining and improving luaotfload, and he's doing really a great job with it, It would be worth having him in the loop too... Other historical LuaLaTeX developers (Manuel, Khaled) are not really active anymore.

Also, something I wanted to say in my previous mail: I think it's time for a mechanism to handle lua bytecode loading in the format (I'm not in front of my usual computer and I cannot remember the right words for it). LuaTeX has a mechanism with an array of such codes, but a package cannot say something like "I want to have this lua file in the format", it needs to specify "I want bytecode 0 to be ..." with no idea if bytecode[0] is already taken or not... (I'm not sure I made myself clear... do you see what I mean?) Not many packages are using this mechanism (expl3 was the only one last time I checked), but I'm planning to add something for Gregorio, so we could work together on that...

Thank you,