On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 9:56 PM, Frank Mittelbach
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>> Let me put it like this. Until now, I've always been able to do this:
>> \RequirePackage{expl3}
>> \RequirePackage{l3prop}
>> But now, this gives me the error message:
>> ! LaTeX Error: File `l3prop.sty' not found.
> correct. This is because we finally removed the individual .sty files.
> ...
> Therefore we announced way back that one should always load expl3 and not
> any individual files.

I see. Thanks, this explains a lot. That must have been before I ever
started playing with expl3. I've always assumed the individual
packages were required. Moreover, I'm pretty sure I got that from an
official example at the time.

> and now we finally extract everything into a single file and the individual
> files only exist on the source level (just like LaTeX2e where you have many
> source files (.dtx) but only a single latex.ltx

(Actually, I can't find any announcement of this.)

> So I guess you have to bite the bullet and remove the calls to individual
> files as it really don't make any sense to provide empty .sty files just to
> support the above scenario

Hm.. I didn't even think of that. But actually, it makes perfect
sense. Have those files do nothing but print a deprecation warning.
Keep them around for a year, and maybe then remove them.

I will fix my own packages now, of course. But can you be sure I am
the only one to have made this mistake?
