On 26/01/2015 09:55, Alexander Grahn wrote:
> Good morning,
> I have just noticed that \box_resize_to_ht:Nn forces the given box
> into a square instead of scaling the width appropriately. The other,
> \box_resize_to_wd:Nn works as expected as it preserves the original
> aspect ratio:
>   \documentclass{article}
>   \usepackage{expl3}
>   \usepackage{graphicx}
>   \usepackage{mwe}
>   \begin{document}
>   \newsavebox\picbox
>   \savebox\picbox{\includegraphics{example-image-a}}
>   \typeout{orig. size: \the\wd\picbox\space X \the\ht\picbox}
>   \ExplSyntaxOn
>   \box_resize_to_ht:Nn\picbox{60pt}
>   \ExplSyntaxOff
>   \typeout{\string\box_resize_to_ht:Nn \the\wd\picbox\space X \the\ht\picbox}
>   \savebox\picbox{\includegraphics{example-image-a}}
>   \ExplSyntaxOn
>   \box_resize_to_wd:Nn\picbox{60pt}
>   \ExplSyntaxOff
>   \typeout{\string\box_resize_to_wd:Nn \the\wd\picbox\space X \the\ht\picbox}
>   \end{document}
> Kind regards,
> Alexander

Logged as #202 (https://github.com/latex3/svn-mirror/issues/202). I see
where the issue is: fix coming up. Is an 'urgent' release of expl3
required to deal with this?

BTW, I assume that the resize functions are useful. Do the current
interfaces make sense: they are down as 'experimental' but I do wonder
if they should get moved to 'stable'.
Joseph Wright