Am 16.07.2015 um 21:45 schrieb David Carlisle:

> There are some differences, and I hope to document them, but may need to
> be during quiet periods at TUG 2015 next week:-) but it would be
> interesting to know of other packages building on luatexbase and whether
> the new code supports them and if not whether the package could easily
> change or if the ltluatex implementation needs to support more features.
> ltluatex is usable with latex and with plain (see the ltluatex.tex file
> for plain support)
> So I do not think there are two API, just a new refactored and extended
> implementation. Certainly the differences are small enough that if a
> small compatibility layer is needed an updated luatexbase.sty could, if
> the luatexbase maintainers agree, input ltluatex and fill any gaps, but
> it may be by the time we are done, there are no gaps that need filling.

OK, so I have these two module loading and callback related feature
requests.  Whom should I contact about those?  LaTeX team or luatexbase

As I understand it, you're trying to make the luatexbase package
obsolete.  Which a) puts additional maintenance burden on the LaTeX team
and b) means that new features related to resource allocation will be
released in sync with new LaTeX versions only (as resource allocation is
completely implemented as part of the format).  I'm still not easy with
this approach.

Best regards,
Stephan Hennig