On 11/02/2016 02:13, Andrew Parsloe wrote:
> I notice that the discussion for \str_range:nnn (for which function,
> thank you!) claims that
> \iow_term:x { \str_range:nnn { abcdef } { 2 } { 5 } }
> will print bcd, whereas it should be bcde.


> It also wasn't immediately clear to me until I actually tried it, that
> \str_range:nnn { abcdef } { -1 } { -4 } produces no output. (I had
> wondered if it would produce reversed output.) In other words, the
> <start index> must lie closer to, or as close to, the head of the <token
> list>, as the <end index>.

I have added a note about this.

> Also, for the version of interface3.pdf I'm using (January 20, 2016),
> none of the hyperrefs in the index work. They simply jump to the start
> of the document (in both Adobe Reader and Sumatra).

One for Will!
