Am 22.06.18 um 10:59 schrieb Joseph Wright:
> We discussed this when I first raised the idea of a list. Unlike some 
> other areas (e.g. Python code and CPAN), there are no formal 
> requirements for distributing (La)TeX packages. More importantly, CTAN 
> set their own approach independent of the LaTeX team.
> Thus the aim of a prefix database is necessarily more 'for information' 
> than anything 'stronger'. I think if something was requested which 
> looked extremely problematic, a registration request would be a good 
> opportunity for discussion. Ultimately, however, the prefix is down to 
> the package author: it's no good saying 'no we won't log it', only for 
> the package to go to CTAN anyway but ending up that bit harder for other 
> developers to see.

I haven't said that we should say "we don't log it" not normally anyway, 
though, for something like "stats", I would think we should add that to 
the list of reserved ones.

My point was more that guidance helps, and of course, in case of 
problematical requests (in our opinion) a discussion with the author at 
that point.

At least at the time of initial development it is fairly easy to change 
a prefix (if you are lucky than basically by <@@=prefix> + 2-3 interface 

> In the case in hand, whilst 'statistics' is quite general, it's also 
> pretty long and there are a number of alternatives ('stats' or 'stat' 
> the two most obvious).

As I said I would veto something like "stats", as for "statistics" it is 
long and it might be the package name so it is probably ok.
