
I've spent some time today thinking about how I can best contribute to accessible mathematics in 2022, besides continuing to run the TeX Hour. My conclusion is this: Contribute to an online accessible LaTeX math checker.

This is a personal conclusion based on my skills, interests, goals and social status (I'm retired). At tomorrow's TeX Hour I'll explain what I have in mind, and the thinking that got me there.

Thu 11 Nov: 6:30 to 7:30pm UK(=GMT) time. UK time now: https://time.is/UK.
Title: Idea - an online accessible LaTeX math checker

Here's a teaser. The earlier and better the feedback the author gets regarding accessibility, the more motivation and encouragement they have to improve the situation. To test my conclusion I did a web search: https://www.google.com/search?q=latex+accessibility+math+checker

Here's some of the results I got:

Here's some other links I found:

I've a backlog of past TeX Hours to put up on YouTube. It will be cleared soon.

Happy TeXing
