On Fri, 28 Jul 2023, 12:18 LARONDE Thierry, <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hello Phelype,
> How can one rely on the size if the code can advertise the size that is
> not the size of the file requested but of another one for which it has
> added, on its own, an extension?

As Joseph said, because of a not-too-great design choice in the original
TeX (I've had a good deal of trouble already because of the automatic
adding of ".tex" in file names).

When the file-related primitives were implemented in pdfTeX, they retained
this questionable behaviour. On the one hand, it's a pain to deal with. On
the other hand, I think it would be worse if \input behaved one way and
other file-related primitives behaved differently. The lesser evil, in my


(sent from phone)
