SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)
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SCIENCE-JOBS-DE f�r Diplom- und Promotionsarbeiten

Fachgebiete:     Humanmedizin
Thema:           Doktorarbeit / Diplomarbeit: Spatial heterogeneity of the adult testicular macrophage population under normal and pathological conditions
Ansprechpartner: Herr  Bhushan
Antwort an:      [log in to unmask]
Institution:     Justus Liebig University Giessen Germany
Ort:             35392 Giessen, Aulweg 123


Macrophages are key immune cells in the adult testis, maintained without blood replacement. Research indicates diverse macrophage populations with unique functions and gene profiles, suggesting niche factors influence their development. During inflammation or depletion, blood monocytes differentiate into testicular macrophages (TM), highlighting the microenvironment's impact on TM phenotype. Specifically, interstitial macrophages expressing insulin-like growth factor-1 aid in Leydig cell development and tissue healing. This study aims to spatially map the testicular niche, explore monocyte replacement of TM, and dissect interstitial macrophage roles. Using advanced techniques like scRNA-Seq and spatial transcriptomics, the goal is to understand infertility mechanisms and develop targeted therapies.

Flow cytometry, scRNA-Seq, CO-Detection by indEXing. (CODEX)ultra-high plex immunofluorescence, R and Python programming language. 

Anfangsdatum: 1. Juli 2024

gesch�tzte Dauer: 3 Years

Bezahlung: Pay group 13 collective agreement Hesse (TV-H), 65%

1) The regional distribution of resident immune cells shapes distinct immunological environments along the murine epididymis.Elife. 2022 Dec 14;11:e82193. doi: 10.7554/eLife.82193.

2) Testicular macrophages: development and function in health and disease. Trends Immunol. 2022 Jan;43(1):51-62. doi: 10.1016/

3) Two populations of self-maintaining monocyte-independent macrophages exist in adult epididymis and testis.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Jan 5;118(1):e2013686117. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2013686117.

Your qualifications and competences
� Master�s or an equivalent degree in the field of Biology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Biological Science, Medicine or related fields
� Strong interest in immunology/macrophage biology and motivated about research lab work
� Provide a platform to learn, understand, think and conduct the experiment independently, and how to master the most advanced techniques in immunology and molecular/cell biology
� Experience in working with animals (FELASA B certificate) is desirable
� Experience in immunology and basic immunological techniques such as flow cytometry and cell culture techniques will be given priority
� Strong communication and writing skills in English
� Personally, you are characterized by a level of motivation, commitment and ability to work in a team that is well above average
Our offer to you
� An international collaborative working environment with state-of-the-art equipment giving the opportunity to carry out research and to put creative ideas into practice as well as promoting professional advancement
� Opportunity to present your data at national/international scientific conferences
� Structured qualification programme via the doctoral training provided by the International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences (GGL) (including scientific seminars, lectures given by nationally/internationally recognized speakers, hands on method courses, research management, communication skills and career development)
� A varied job with flexible working hours
� Free use of local public transport (Landes Ticket Hessen)
� More than 100 seminars, workshops and e-learning offers per year for personal training as well as a wide range of health and sports offers
� Remuneration according to TV-H, company pension scheme, child allowance and special payments
� The good balance between family and work (certificate �audit family-friendly university�)
Dr. Sudhanshu Bhushan ([log in to unmask]) is available to answer any questions you may have about the advertised position.
Justus Liebig University Giessen is seeking a larger percentage of women in academia; therefore, qualified female researchers are especially encouraged to apply. The university sees itself as a family-friendly university. Applicants with children are most welcome. Applications from people with disabilities and appropriate qualifications will be given priority.
You want to break new ground with us?
Apply via our online form by May 14th, 2024, indicating reference number 355/11. We look forward to receiving your application.

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